I've begun brainstorming some potential stories for my capstone film. These ideas may change over time, but I do think they have potential. Here are the current ideas:

My first Idea was to have two characters, a catlike creature and a woman who helps wild animals recover from injuries, becoming friends slowly over time. The two characters will have difficulty in understanding one another, but will eventually begin to trust one another as the caretaker helps the hurt creature.

Another idea involved having a training session between a young and inexperienced sword-fighter/fencer and a mentor. It would have a few different fight scenes where the apprentice makes a few mistakes and the mentor would walk them through what they should be doing alongside visualizations of the lessons that the apprentice has. It would demonstrate the hard work that goes into learning a new skill rather than falling into a training montage.

Lastly, I thought it might be interesting to fit a story around a piece of music that already exists. I had a particular artists work in mind for this idea too. I would use a music piece composed by the freelance composer Myuu, who typically makes dark piano music that is used in creepypastas frequently.

I'm most interested in pursuing in the first idea, it's the one I think about the most out of the three. I don't want the animals to be normal looking if I pursue that story either. The animals would be more fantasy like, but not too complexed.
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